Smoking is considered to be for many countries Public enemy number 1.
Many of us have seen this in practice and the consequences this opinion has on our every day life and the people around us. People we know or people we wish to.
Civil rights, freedom to express our selves, ideals our ancestors fought for are going down the drain in favor of a "healthier" way of living.
Our local governments know what is good for us and they have to make us accept it. Even if it kill us!
Smoking is bad for our health. This is something we know. Cigarette smoking can kill you, BUT if you know this and you have accepted the terms of the game then no government can deny you the right to do so.It is your God given right us an adult to live the life you choose!
Anti-smoking nazi's; their mission is to save people from smoking.
Well they have to realize that not all people need or want to be saved. Cigar and pipe smokers for example are some of these people. Anti-smoking freaks should know that addiction kills NOT pleasure and cigar and pipe smoking is a pleasure.
I agree that people who do not smoke should live in smoke free environments, but also us who do enjoy a premium hand rolled cigar or a pipe, we have to have our own places.
Unfortunately we don't and the sad thing is that legislation does not allow owners of different venues to host people who smoke. Not even when no employee will be exposed to smoke.
What is going to be next on the list of forbidden pleasures?BBQ? SEX? Lets not forget how many people die every year of HIV. What are they going to do ban sex?
Even if they do aren't we going to continue doing it?
Lets do the same for our right to surrender ourselves to one of life's greatest pleasures.
Besides a Double Corona will probably last longer!!!!